I’ve “Returned” (Though, I Never “Left”)!

Greetings and salutations to you all! It has been a little over three months since I have updated this site!

Well, that’s not entirely true. I have been working on the backend of the site over the course of these three months but have experienced many roadblocks and “boss battles” in my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life, that has rocked the flow of what little consistency and momentum I had snowballing. I set “goals” for myself that weren’t concrete enough and I ended up straying from the path because of the troubles I faced over the last few months.

That said, I am typing this out battling a fever, a sore throat that is set ablaze when I cough… coughing every five minutes… a runny nose, chills AND high body temperature, and, truthfully, not much sneezing, but I just sneezed and somehow pulled a muscle in my back! Perhaps this is the “final boss” of my months long “Trial By Fire” DLC (downloadable content) storyline of my life. But as someone who loves playing RPGs (role-playing games) I wouldn’t put it past God to sick a “secret boss” on me to test my faith and a further build my character (see James 1:2-4).

Please forgive the video game jargon, but those who know me know video games are important to me (an entry for another day). My faith in Jesus Christ is also important to me, so expect to see me talk about him more as this blog grows!

The last thing I’ll say about all the above: today at church my pastor spoke on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which reads,

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Focus in to “give thanks in all circumstances”. Maybe I’ll write about this in a later post as this one is turning into a novel, but the main thing I got from this passage today was cultivating a heart of gratitude toward the Lord’s faithfulness is the greatest antidote for tough feelings when I’m in the valley of life. I’ll leave you all with that and expound later.


Now, on to what’s new to the site and what’s coming/in the works:

New Home Page. Now you can get anywhere on my site through the new home page instead of just the right-hand corner!

Work. I’ve added new illustrations for you all to indulge in! Enjoy!

Online Store. Yes, yes, I understand this is quite a piddling selection of prints available, but as I create more, the shop will grow! And, hey, if there’s something on my Work section that tickles your eye, OR if you want custom art, let’s chat! Which segues beautifully into…

Contact/About. I’ve merged my About Me section with the Contact section since it makes more sense. The plan, if you decide to sign up, is to send you weekly newsletters (which you can unsubscribe to if they get to be too much). I’m not sure what I will put in the newsletter yet, except:

WEEKLY Blog Posts. I mentioned in the last post that I wouldn’t commit to weekly posts, but that’s changing today. Even if it’s just a few sentences, I plan to post every Sunday evening. And, probably at the expense of my sanity, I’m opening up my blog posts to comments! Starting with this one! This may prove to be a mistake, I have no clue, but time will tell!

Services Section. This is still in the works as I am figuring out what exactly I offer. I don’t have a launch date planned, but stay tuned!


That’s all I have for you! The time is now 12:11 AM on March 4th, 2024. I was bedridden throughout the afternoon and now I’m not tired… but wired. Oh well, that’s on me (and I’m a sickly creature, so it makes sense but doesn’t at the same time). Thanks for reading!

Until the next post,



This Past Week…


Welcome To My Website!