Unlimited Potential

The human mind is an astounding tool capable of so much. It baffles me to see the feats of man that shouldn’t humanly possible. Have you seen those videos on social media of pool trick shots? Or clips of professional golfers skidding the ball across a pond as if it was a rock skipping? And then it lands on the green? Or you have teens, no older than 13 or 14, who get accepted to multiple Ivy League schools because of their brilliance. I have a friend who can dissemble and then reassemble ANY car engine without manuals or help from anyone. It’s insane.

Every human mind can do anything the vessel in which it lives can dream of. But the harsh reality is not everyone lives up to their unlimited potential. Everyone has a calling on their lives from God, a mission that only they can accomplish, but there are many who won’t answer that call. Whether it’s fear, people pleasing, or lack of confidence, these people won’t take the steps necessary to dream big for their lives. I completely understand where they are coming from because, until recently, I was one of those people.

If you have read any of my other blogs, you know I have ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) which makes it difficult for me to focus on tasks amongst other issues. I also struggled with (and still do from time to time) insecurity and self-esteem. I spoke a bit about the latter in my last post about comparison. But when you synthesize both issues above into one mind, you get the perfect storm of mental issues, which stymies growth, fosters a fixed mindset, and eventually turns into wasted potential.

For 28 years, I gave into negative self-talk about who I am and what I can or can’t do. I subconsciously capped my potential out of fear of what others may think, fear of failure, not acting, and more. There are many people who believe in my abilities, but I was not one of them. That changes today on this Easter Sunday, March 31st, 2024.

Now, obviously, the calling on my life is to create art, write stories, and impact the generation behind me. Would you believe me if I told you I knew this since I was six years old? Let me give you all the proof you need.

This journal is undeniable proof that God created me to create stories. As I looked through the book this past week, I was astonished by what I created as a six-year-old boy. 142 pages worth of a coherent story with every page filled with drawings and writing. No distractions of social media, no comparison, no low self-esteem, no insecurities. Just a carefree, guileless child doing what God created him to do. Looking at my creation from over two decades ago, I realized something simple, but profound: I can’t tell anyone I can’t write a book because I already wrote one. God equipped me with the skills necessary to do so at a young age. And if I was capable of that at six, what am I capable of now at 28? I do not know, but what I know is I have unlimited potential. Those weights of insecurity, negative self-talk, and more? No longer necessary. They were NEVER necessary. Therefore, I drop them like Rock Lee, dropping his ankle weights during his battle with Gaara in one of the most iconic scenes from Naruto.

I tend to forget I was created by the God of the universe, the God who is able to do far more abundantly than all that [I] ask or think, according to the power at work within [me]” (Ephesians 3:20 ESV). With that truth written on my heart, even if I don’t feel it, I have unlimited potential because it comes from God. It’s time for me to talk and think like I have it. I’m changing my vocabulary. And this isn’t a “fake it till you make it” mental state; there’s no inauthenticity here. Only truth.

One final thought: I mention ADHD like it’s an Achilles’ heel. While it has its downfalls (see this link to understand what I go through daily) it’s also a superpower. The ability to hyper-focus on something is insane and immensely beneficial when I get into that flow state (read this to learn more about that).

That’s all from me for the time being. There’s more I can say, but I will save that for later posts. I’m excited about what I will accomplish in the coming months with this gift of unlimited potential from God. This is going to be a glorious adventure; thank you for coming alongside me!

Until next time!




My Attempt at Prose Fiction


The Antidote to Comparison